Manufacturing Process Methods Compared – When to Apply Master Schedule
Content Provided By: Tom Titensor & Revolution Group We can generally sort Manufacturing Business processes into three groups: Make to Order, Assemble to Order, and Make to Stock. Make to Order is also known as custom build. Assemble to Order is used in repetitive manufacturing. And Make to Stock covers mass production of end products. Let’s look at each one and see where to apply scheduling and planning tools for the best order to fulfillment timing. Make to Order Make to Order is the manufacturing process in which a large group of components can be made into very specific end products. A printer may carry stock of many types and grades of paper and have the ability to create thousands of Ink colors. Skilled workers can use the tools and materials to create any item a customer may want printed. Then they can mass produce that Item into as many copies as the customer would like. A die maker has large billets of steel in stock and with tools and produces very...