Senator Cory Booker Visits Weiss-Aug

On April 16, PMA member company Weiss-Aug had some high profile visitors.

Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) and several members of his staff along with East Hanover Mayor Joe Pannullo, East Hanover Police Chief Stan Hansen, and West Caldwell Mayor Joe Tempesta stopped by Weiss-Aug to discuss the Leveraging and Energizing America’s Apprenticeship Program (LEAP) Act, which was recently introduced in Congress.
Senator Cory Booker visits with Weiss-Aug apprentices

The LEAP Act provides a tax credit to employers to help increase the number of registered apprenticeships in the United States, put more people to work and help fill the 4 million job vacancies across the United States.

The U.S. Department of Labor recommended Weiss-Aug for Senator Booker’s visit and his legislative kickoff.

The visit included a tour of Weiss-Aug’s modernized manufacturing plant.  Moving through the facility, the tour showcased metal stamping, insert/injection molding and assembly processes.

A group photo of the tour at Weiss-Aug
During the tour, Senator Booker met with Weiss-Aug’s Apprentice Manager, Paul Rettberg, and his five apprentices: Nicholas Banasiak, Derek Hart, Cesar Camargo and Nicholas DeSantis. Hart demonstrated to Senator Booker some of the technical skills he has acquired and expressed excitement about working at Weiss-Aug and his future career growth in metalforming.

Weiss-Aug’s apprenticeship program has been in place for more than 30 years, with many past apprentices in management positions throughout the organization today.

PMA applauds Weiss-Aug for its outstanding apprenticeship program and for hosting this fantastic  event.  We think that Congressional plant tours are a great way to demonstrate manufacturing’s role in the economy to members of Congress.  Please contact Christie Carmigiano at 216-901-8800 or if you would like assistance in hosting a tour at your facility.


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