Burdensome Regs. Cost Businesses Trillions: Fight Back at the One Voice Legislative Conference
Did you know that regulatory compliance costs businesses over $2.2 trillion each year?
That number should be no surprise when it is compared to the sheer volume of regulations issued by federal regulatory bodies like EPA, OSHA, and the NLRB. In 2014 alone, federal agencies issued 3,541 final regulations and proposed 2,375.
Now in the final two years of the Obama administration, the president and his adminstration are focused on securing his legacy and early indications show that they have their eyes fixed on environmental and workplace regulations; rules and policies that would have serious cost implications for manufacturers.
The president's FY2016 federal budget requests an additional $1.3 billion for OSHA enforcement actions. Further, the EPA continues to move forward with a new ozone rule and a greenhouse gas rule that non-partisan power sector monitoring organizations fear will jeopardize the reliability of the electrical grid as utilities grapple with meeting unrealistic mandates.
Whether the increased regulation of carbon emissions from power plants, expanding ozone standards, or mandating that injury and incident reports be made public, many agency actions continue to pose a threat to job creators across the country – and small manufacturers face a significant and disproportionate regulatory burden that hampers companies’ ability to compete in a tough international market.
The money manufacturing companies across the country spend on regulatory compliance could be better used for purchasing equipment and creating jobs.
Join your metalforming industry peers in fighting to prevent unnecessary and ineffective regulations by pariticpating in the PMA/NMTA One Voice Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. on April 21-22, 2015.
This conference will be an invaluable opportunity to meet with members of Congressional and their staff who are integral to these decisions that impact both your business. Over two days, you will have the opportunity to address issues, share your story, and work for a better manufacturing future in America. Register today and join us in reminding Washington that of the real-world impact of regulations on manufacturers.

Now in the final two years of the Obama administration, the president and his adminstration are focused on securing his legacy and early indications show that they have their eyes fixed on environmental and workplace regulations; rules and policies that would have serious cost implications for manufacturers.
The president's FY2016 federal budget requests an additional $1.3 billion for OSHA enforcement actions. Further, the EPA continues to move forward with a new ozone rule and a greenhouse gas rule that non-partisan power sector monitoring organizations fear will jeopardize the reliability of the electrical grid as utilities grapple with meeting unrealistic mandates.
Whether the increased regulation of carbon emissions from power plants, expanding ozone standards, or mandating that injury and incident reports be made public, many agency actions continue to pose a threat to job creators across the country – and small manufacturers face a significant and disproportionate regulatory burden that hampers companies’ ability to compete in a tough international market.
The money manufacturing companies across the country spend on regulatory compliance could be better used for purchasing equipment and creating jobs.
Join your metalforming industry peers in fighting to prevent unnecessary and ineffective regulations by pariticpating in the PMA/NMTA One Voice Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. on April 21-22, 2015.
This conference will be an invaluable opportunity to meet with members of Congressional and their staff who are integral to these decisions that impact both your business. Over two days, you will have the opportunity to address issues, share your story, and work for a better manufacturing future in America. Register today and join us in reminding Washington that of the real-world impact of regulations on manufacturers.
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