PMA Member Spotlight -- Julius Feitl, Progressive Machine Die, Inc.

Each month, the PMA Member Spotlight features outstanding members sharing their insights into the latest industry trends and technologies.

PMA is pleased to introduce Julius Feitl, President of Progressive Machine Die, Inc, Macedonia, Ohio.

Julius Feitl, President, Progressive Machine Die, Inc. 

Q:  Which job classifications are the most challenging to find skilled workers?
A:  Press Operator and Setup Person – Most schools tend to focus on CNC operators, machinists and laser cutting, but there aren't any programs in schools specifically designed for press operators and setup people. At this point, the best way to find a skilled press operator or setup person is to hire them away from a competitor. This position is essential to stamping. I hope that in the future, schools start to offer training programs to develop these roles.

Q:  What is the biggest technology challenge metalformers face today?
A:  Understanding the benefits that servo presses offer by way improving efficiencies.

Q: What is on your wish list for your shop, next year (i.e., a new piece of equipment)? 
A: To buy a new servo press or potentially some feed equipment.

Q: What is the best conference or seminar you or your employees attended in the past year and why?
A: The CEO Roundtable hosted by PMA. This particular roundtable promoted great discussions that were very pertinent to me as a company owner. The conversation was focused, and I spent quality time interacting with peers that face the same challenges and issues I do.

Q: What conference topic (related to the metalforming/manufacturing industry) would you be most interested in attending?
A: Succession planning would be a great topic of interest to me.

Q: Minivan, SUV or sedan?

Q: What are the top three songs on your play list right now?
A: I don’t have a play list per se, but I like to listen to Eric Clapton, the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Tom Petty, the Allman Brothers, and just about any classic rock.

Thank you for your participation, Julius! 


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