Manufacturing for the Future: A Commitment to the Next Generation of America’s Skilled Workforce

Roy Hardy, PMA President

There is good news coming out of the manufacturing sector today.  Our industry currently employs some 12.4 million Americans.  That number is up by about 25,000 from last year and by nearly a million from 2010.  The latest Bureau of Labor Statistics report from September 1, 2017 showed that hiring in the manufacturing industry continues to expand with 36,000 positions filled in the month of August.

American manufacturers are open for business.  We are hiring where we can and have more open jobs—hundreds of thousands of them—to fill.  Keeping the good news coming in our industry will mean finding a new generation of skilled workers to thrive in manufacturing careers.  The future is up to us.


Manufacturers who want to help inspire young people to consider careers in manufacturing should consider participating in Manufacturing Day on October 6 this year.  MFG Day is a celebration of modern manufacturing, geared toward showcasing what makes our industry great.  There are already more than 1,400 events including open houses, shop tours and educational programs scheduled at facilities across the country.  PMA member companies have a long history of supporting job creation and skills training and, as a result, are always well represented on MFG Day.

Tools for planning, organizing and hosting an MFG Day event are available on the MFG Day website –  PMA has also produced a how-to guide for member companies.  Contact Christie Carmigiano at 216-901-8800 or for a copy.

The Center 4 Metalforming Careers

Of course, efforts to foster future manufacturing workers should not stop with one day.  PMA members can make use of the myriad resources available through our Center 4 Metalforming Careers to help spread the word about opportunities in our industry.  Profile videos, industry brochures, answers to frequently asked questions, and other items can be viewed and downloaded on the C4MC website –  These items can be used to support outreach efforts at schools, job fairs and in communities across the country.

For a stronger workforce now and in the future, our industry is depending on us.  The most effective way to inform people about manufacturing and the high-tech, high-paying careers available now is to let them see what we do firsthand.  Keep up to date with more ways to get involved by following PMA’s blog, Twitter account and Facebook account.


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